
ROV-SIM project logo


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In the spring semester of 2022, I took the course Experts in Teamwork at NTNU. The course involved a group project to build something related to video games in the maritime sector. My group decided to build a simulator of ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles; underwater drones), and named it ROV-SIM. We built it with the Unity game engine, and in the end, we produced a working prototype with 2 simulated ROV scenarios! I mostly worked with the game scripts for the ROV's movement controls and the main menu.

In the research phase of the project, we contacted several different companies producing ROVs, to gain a better understanding of how to build a realistic simulator. We were quite overwhelmed by the responses — all our questions were answered by every company, and many of them provided additional resources for further research. Blueye Robotics, a drone company headquartered in Trondheim, went even further: they invited us to their office, to test a real ROV! This was a great experience, and helped us a lot to improve the realism of the simulator.

The wreck inspection scenario in the simulator